Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Great Out Doors Episode 2

On my second hunt I was doing more shooting with my camera then I was with my shot gun.  My dad and I were enjoying more of the mountains and trees that we almost forgot about why we were out there in the first place. We did not see much of the squirrels or deer, but I think we can both agree that we had a great time out in the wilds. But most importantly we got to spend time together and I got the pictures to prove it.

Me and Dad
Get use to seeing these trees, cause you are going to see a lot of them.
No lie, these trees were tall.

Here we go.

This makes me wonder how old these rocks are and how long they have been underground. Possibly when the Dinosaurs were alive.

No these are not chocolate.

Even dad gets excited by the snow. This one is definitely going on the fridge.

Fresh Mountain water. I so wanted to have a drink, but it was just so cold.

This is will make a great Calender photo.

Nearly froze my butt off for this shot.

In case you guys were wondering, we did get something.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Farmers Market

I have been helping my parents at the Chico Farmers Market since I was in the third grade in 1994. It pains me not just because I had to wake up 4 a.m. in the morning, but because it was on Saturdays and I missed all of my favorite Saturday morning cartoon shows. The one thing I learned from working here is responsibility and hard work. Not just that, but also meeting new people as well as friends from our everyday lives. You would think everyone sleeps in on Saturday mornings, Chico is very much alive early in the morning. It's a great place to shop, learn, and have fun. Rain or shine the show must go on.