Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Landscapes always gave me ideas for where the story takes places. City, forest, Sea, etc. If you get the right shot, then the landscape itself has it's own story to tell about itself.
This was taken on my first ever hunting trip in September 2012. The woods is always full of mystery and you never know where the road may take you. I took this shot at this angle to show the road curving around the trees, which shows that you don't know whats around the corner, so be prepared.

I passed through this road so many times in the morning and this time I pulled off to the side and took this shot of the Buttes mountain. Call me crazy, but I would not be able to sleep without this shot. Funny story a cop pulled over to see if I was having car trouble, when I thought I was going to be in trouble. He said just keep doing what you doing and so I did. Totally worth stopping for.